Twitter can be a powerful tool for promoting events. But most promotions only imbricate the build-up to an event. When you live tweet an event, you can vamp sustentation at the most important time — while everything is happening.
Plus, real-time coverage of events allows your online regulars a endangerment to engage with an event they may have really wanted to attend.
In this article, we’ll explain what live tweeting is and how to do it well, including examples and weightier practices.
Bonus: Download the self-ruling 30-day plan to grow your Twitter pursuit fast, a daily workbook that will help you establish a Twitter marketing routine and track your growth, so you can show your superabound real results without one month.
What is live tweeting?
Live tweeting is posting well-nigh an event on Twitter as that event unfolds.
Don’t misplace it with live streaming, which is real-time dissemination via video. Live tweeting strictly refers to writing tweets. That ways publishing tweets, sharing images or videos, and responding to your followers.
While you can live stream on other platforms, like Facebook, live tweeting is only washed-up on Twitter.
Why live tweet?
In some ways, live tweeting is our source for breaking news. That’s considering folks turn to Twitter these days to find out what’s happening in the world.
When you live tweet an event, you vamp engagement from people who superintendency well-nigh the same things you do. As a result, you’re likely to hear from your existing followers and connect with new audiences.
Live tweeting can modernize your trademark sensation and position you as an industry thought leader. We’d undeniability that a win-win.
8 tips for successfully live tweeting an event
Live tweeting may squint effortless, but don’t let appearances deceive you. Those tweets require just as much thought and strategy as the rest of your social content calendar.
Live events are somewhat unpredictable — and that’s half the fun. But with a plan in place, you can lean into any surprises without getting unprotected off-guard.
Here are our top 8 tips to help you prep for a successful live tweet.
1. Do your research
Anything can happen at a live event, but there will unchangingly be a few known quantities. Get your research washed-up superiority of time to stave a last-minute scramble.
Is there an agenda? If the event you’re promoting has a schedule, use it to plan the content and spritz of your live tweets in advance.
Double-check names and handles. You’ll want names and Twitter handles for everyone involved before the event starts. Then, make sure you tag them every time you mention them. This will increase your reach and chances of a retweet.
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— TED Talks (@TEDTalks) May 27, 2022
Have links handy. Do a little research on the event attendees, headliners or keynote speakers so you can add context to your live tweets. For example, when posting well-nigh a speaker, it’s a good idea to include a link to their bio page or website.
2. Set up your streams
Stay on top of the live stream conversation using streams. (If you once use a social media management tool like Hootsuite to schedule your tweets, this part is easy!)
Streams help you track worriedness on your social finance and specific topics, trends or profiles.
We’d recommend setting up two streams. Use one to monitor content that uses the official event hashtag. Set up flipside with a curated Twitter list of people involved in the event.
This way, you don’t miss a single tweet from the most important people at the event — or the opportunity to retweet them.
3. Create image templates for easy use
If you want to include images in your tweets, plan superiority by creating high-quality templates you can use to generate content on the fly.
Make sure your templates are thus sized for Twitter (here’s our up-to-date image size cheatsheet). Plan to include the event hashtag, your logo, and other relevant info.
Jazz Fest: A New Orleans Story weaves together live performances and interviews from the 50th year-end of the iconic festival. See the 2022 #SXSW Official Selection now in select theaters.
— SXSW (@sxsw) May 13, 2022
You might want to have a few variegated templates on hand, depending on the content you want to create. These can include quotes from the event, unforgettable live photos, and more.
Then use them as a starting point when creating social media posts for minimal effort.
4. Get your GIFs in a row
Pull together a clutch of content you can hands wangle during your event. If you’ve got GIFs and memes on deck, you won’t be scrambling for them on the day.
If you need help getting started, try putting together a list of emotions you and your followers will feel. Are you live tweeting an awards show or a performance? You might be shocked, surprised or impressed. (Or maybe less-than-impressed)
Everytime a verse starts….