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  • TechCrunch’s top 16 picks from Techstars April virtual demo days

    Like other accelerators, Techstars, a network of more than 40 corporate and geographically targeted startup bootcamps, has had to bring its marquee demo day events online.Over the last two weeks of April, industry-focused accelerators working with startups building businesses around mobility technologies (broadly) and the future of the home joined More

    TechCrunchs top 16 picks from Techstars April virtual demo days
  • Cliqz pulls the plug on a European anti-tracking alternative to

    Cliqz, a Munch-based anti-tracking browser with private search baked in that has sought to offer a local alternative to Google powered by its own search index, is shutting down — claiming this arm of its business has been blindsided by the coronavirus crisis.Today was not great. We closed parts of More

    Cliqz pulls the plug on a European anti-tracking alternative to Google search
  • JetBrains Academy for learning code launches for free during COVID-19

    During this pandemic, many organizations are offering free or drastically cheaper courses to help people skill-up for when we eventually get out of lock-down. There are numerous outlets if you want to learn to code from, for instance, Freecodecamp or the ‘Free Fridays‘ scheme form General Assembly. And for gamers, More

    JetBrains Academy for learning code launches for free during COVID-19 pandemic
  • France postpones parliament debate on contact-tracing app

    Earlier today at the National Assembly, French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe gave a lengthy speech about post-lockdown measures in France ahead of a debate with deputies. The government originally planned to discuss France’s contact-tracing app StopCovid. It broadened the subject of the debate to post-lockdown policies a couple of days More

    France postpones parliament debate on contact-tracing app